Sunday, November 29, 2009
Winx Club Winter Contest.....
Winx Club Winter contest is now official open on Italian site....and i hope that it will be soon open on English site.....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Is this Bloom believix 3D.....yessss definitely yes....This is a Bloom from Winx Club 2nd Movie:The Magic is Back.....Da li je ovo Blum 3d....dato je defintivno ona.....iz drigog Winx filma....Winx Club 2:Magija se vratila.....
P.S.Be my follower i have only 2 of them....:'(((
Friday, November 20, 2009
This is amazing.....on italian Winx club site you can find this new clothes and you can buy a wings.....Isn't that so amazing....ovo je strava italijanskom sajtu mozete naci novu odecu i kupiti krila....nije li strava....And i think the hole new game winx is here....look the pictures....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Special news....=]]]]
The second movie will open in theaters at Christmas 2010.
Here is the article:
The Winx back to the cinema at Christmas 2010
New animated film for the Winx Club was born from the imagination of Iginio Straffi
The fashion-Winx fairies are increasingly unstoppable: after the movie Winx-The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, and simultaneously with the broadcast on Rai Due TV episodes of the fourth season, the Rainbow Srl announces the debut film of a new film dedicated to Bloom and her friends, planned for Christmas 2010.
The audience to which this new product is targeted animation will be broader than before, more mature: the project, directed by series creator Iginio Straffi, is in fact working screenwriter Michael Wilson, one of the architects of the success of The Age glacial.
There are currently no advances on the title and the plot of the film, the main questions are related to the environment of the film, as the fourth television season, for the first time the wing Winx undertaken to test his powers on Earth and not in dimension magic into the form of school Alpheus.
The father of Winx also announced two film projects: the sequel to the first feature film, The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, will arrive in theaters by September 2010, while the most ambitious animated comedy written by Michael Wilson will see the light in Christmas 2010.
Bandai is working together with Rainbow S.p.A. to bring us a bunch of toys based on the animated series PopPixie. This will include dolls, plush figures, playsets, and more â all set to be ready for the fall of 2010. These toys are based on characters from the Winx Universe, continuing the success of that toon.
Rainbow is giving Lockette, Chatta, Tune, and the gang their own series called Pop Pixie (not to be confused with the manga Pixie Pop). There will be fifty-two, 13- to 15-minute episodes, so it seems itâll be a mini-series rather than a fully-developed show like Winx Club. The premiere date is still unclearâone source I read said it would be in spring 2010, another said fall, and yet another said the first twenty-five episodes would air in the spring then the other twenty-seven in the fall. Weâll find out as it gets closer.
Bandai Europe will produce the seriesâ toy line, set to be released next year in the fall.
You may be thinking now, âWhy are the pixies getting their own show?â An article for License! Global magazine quoted Iginio Straffi as saying:
As soon as the pixies appeared on screens they instantly became popular with children, achieving excellent results both in terms of viewer numbers and product sales. For this reason, I decided to bring these cute mini fairies to life and give them their own show and a licensing program tailor-made around the brand.
So, the short answer: kids love the pixies. No surpriseâthe anime chibi look always works. Will their own bonded pixies become the Winxâs greatest rivals? Regardless, it looks like Disneyâs Fairies will have more competition. Get out of the ring, Tinkerbell! spring 2010
This is my special picture form winx avatar.....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Stella's Attraction spell!
Love, love, love... you surely have experienced that terrible condition when you find yourself sighing for a boy who doesn't even notice you...First of all I'll give you advice: in gaining love, charisma has a very important role. Observe your own behaviour! Be aware of your own nervousness. Try to feel it as a wall between yourself and the person you wish to attract. Worry will always work against you. Say to yourself that you are going to enjoy yourself, use humour! Sometimes you really like someone but say nothing because you fear if you tell him, you would be rejected…be confident and try this spell! Good luck!
You will need:
-A mirror, most any kind.
-2 candles of any colour; pink is a good choice, as it brings friendship -and romance
In a comfortable place put a candle on each side of the mirror. Light the candles ... turn down, or off, any artificial light. Now, sit down in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Relax. Notice all your good qualities and focus on them. Then say aloud how wonderful you are! Smile at yourself! State all the positive aspects of your personality, (your humour, your willingness to help others, etc) name all the beautiful traits, that make you special…and then say these words:
I am beautiful on the outside
I am wonderful within
I am special unto myself,
So let the love come in!
Negative thoughts, they vanish
I now toss them out
Negative feelings, be banished,
To let my love shine out!
Repeat this at least 5 times. And do it at least once a day -- you may reuse the candles, but do not blow them out! (It is not nice for the air and fire elements). Use a snuffer and pinch them out. As you get more used to doing this spell, you may repeat these words, or any words that you chose (spells are great, when made personal ... maybe, in time, and with practice, you will want to change them!) I like to do this spell before I go out anywhere! Much like putting on makeup in the morning! Good luck!
You can find this on Winx Club official website....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rainbow S.p.A...terra park.....Magic Land
Iginio Straffi has been called the Italian Walt Disney. Now he’s about to take another walk in Disney’s footsteps.
Rainbow S.p.A. will have a spot in the future Terra Magica (Magical Earth) theme park in Valmontone, near Rome. The theme, of course, will be “magic,” so you can guess how much our dear Winx will have to do with this place. Rainbow has granted Alfa Park, the group making the park, a ten-year license to their characters. Terra Magica should be finished by 2011, and the team hopes to welcome at least 3 million visitors a year.
With the press conference which was on Friday, October 2nd in Campigoglio, was officially presented Rainbow MagicLand the future park Valmontone.The meeting was held at 11.00 am at the Hall of Flags.
Speakers include the CEO of Alpha Park Ltd Joseph Tain, the CEO of Rainbow SpA Iginio Straffi and the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno.
During the conference logo will be presented, history, scenic trail master plan and the first major theme park in Rome, whose work is in an advanced stage of construction, destined to become a major theme park in Italy and another tourist attraction Rome.
The project, conducted by the group Alfa Park Srl, the Italian holding area theme parks, is strengthened thanks to the agreement of partnership with Rainbow SpA, an Italian leader in the production of cartoons and creator of the well-known among other things "Winx".
600 thousand square meters for a transaction worth a total of 300 million euros, these numbers amusement park, built within the "Integrated tourism resort in Rome - Valmontone," one of the most important multifunctional actions at European level, includes "Fashion District Valmontone Outlet - Factory Outlet most visited in Italy, with over 5.3 million people in 2008 - and a polo hotel and hospitality industry.
Rainbow MagicLand open to the public in spring 2011, with a use - a system - of about 2,000 people (including 1300 direct employment for which training and selection was currently collaborating with the Region of Lazio).
Игинио Страффи је позвао италијанске Valt Disnija. Сада је о томе да се други ходају Disni стопама.
Rainbow S.p.A ће имати место у будућности Терра Магица (Чаробнa Земља) Валмонтоне тему у парку, у близини Рима. Тема, наравно, неће бити "магија", тако да можете да погодите колико је наша драга Winx ће морати да са овог места. Раинбоу је одобрила "Алфа парк, прављење група парку, десет година лиценцу за нивните карактеристики. ТЕРРА магица би требало да буде завршен до 2011, а тим се нада да дочекамо бар 3 милиона посетилаца годишње.
Са прес конференције која је у петак, 2. октобра у Цампигоглио, званично је представљена дуге Магицланд будућег парка Валмонтоне.
Састанак ће се одржати у 11:00 часова у сали Заставе.
Говорници су генерални директор Алфа парка доо Јосип лист калаја, генерални директор дуге спа Игинио Страффи и градоначелник Рима Ђани Алемано.
Током конференције лого ће бити представљена, историју, живописним стаза план и први велики забавни парк у Риму, чији је рад у напредна фаза изградње, предодређен да постане велики забавни парк у Италији и друга туристичка атракција Рима.
Пројекта, које је спровела група "Алфа парк СРЛ, италијански држи подручје тематски паркови, ојачана је захваљујући споразуму о партнерству са дуге спа, италијански лидер у производњи карикатуре и творац познатог између осталог," Winx ".
600 хиљада квадратних метара за трансакције у укупној вредности од 300 милиона евра, ове цифре забавни парк, изграђен у оквиру "Интегрисани туризам одмаралиште у Риму - Валмонтоне," један од најважнијих мултифункционална акције на европском нивоу, укључује "Мода округ Валмонтоне продавнице - Фабрика продавнице најпосјећенијих у Италији, са преко 5,3 милиона људи у 2008 - и ватерполо хотела и угоститељству.
Раинбоу Магицланд отворена за јавност у пролеће 2011, у употреби - систем - око 2.000 људи (укључујући и 1300 директног запошљавања за тренинг и селекција која је тренутно сарађују са Регија Лацио).
Season 5 News.....=]]]
On my there going to be 5th season...i have answer on my own read this....
Popularity Winx reached unprecedented heights, so kopmaniya Rainbow SpA already begun to create the 5th season. 4 season, consisting of 104 episodes, began in April. several times been touring with the musical Winx-Tours. Published a large number of thematic fashion dolls, comics, video games and many others that brought them so popular. "Now the situation in the Rainbow SpA in connection with the crisis worsening, but thanks to the Club Winx situation developed, and we still are number one among other countries that produce their own animated series," - said Iginio Straffii, creator of the series. Therefore, the 5th season will be, the more it several times already officially confirmed.
Популарност Winx достигла невиђен висине, тако да komanija Rainbow S.p.A већ почео да створa 5. сезонu. 4 сезонa, која се састоји од 104 епизода, почела је у априлу. неколико пута био на турнеји са музичким Winx-Туру. Објавио велики број тематских модне лутке, стрипови, видео игре и многи други који им је донео толико популаран. "Сада је ситуација у Rainbow S.p.A у вези са кризом погоршања, али захваљујући Клуб Winx ситуација развија, па смо и даље број један међу другим земљама које дају своје анимиране серије" - рекао је Iginio Straffi, креатор серије. Дакле, 5. сезона ће бити још неколико пута је већ званично потврђена.
Friday, November 13, 2009
OMg....Last episode of Winx Club 4season....:'((((
Omg...last episode of Winx is so great and exiting....Winx will win Ogron and others...Layla/Aisha is back in Winx Club like i was thought....Morgana is back on Earth to live with her housbound Claus and with doughter Roxy...nebula is new Queen...Faragonda going to Earth to meet with Roxy and others Winx..Love and Pet going very well....Annnnd......WINX WILL AGAIN HAVE ENCHANTIX....YEAH IN LAST EPISODE THEY WILL BACK ENCHANTIX.....BELIEVIX WAS JUST TRANSFORMATION TO HELP WITH FIGHTING OGRON AND OTHERS...Omg....poslednja epizoda Winx je tako sooper i uzbudljiva...Winx ce pobediti Ogrona i ostalle....Layla/Aisha se naravno vraca u Winx kao sto sam mislio i rekao....Morgana se vraca na zemlju da zivi sa svojim muzem Kalusom I cerkom Roksi...Nebula je nova kraljica...faragonda dollazi na zemlju da sse upozna sa Roksi i da idi Winxice...Love and Pet ide jako dobro....Iiiii....WINX CE PONOVO DOBITI ENCHANTIX...DA U PSOLEDNJOJ EPIZODI ONE DOBIJAJU ENCHANTIX NAZAD....BELIEVIX JE BILA TRANSFORMACIJA SAMO PRIVREMENA DA POMOGNE DA POBEDE ORGRONA I OSTALE....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Winx Club 5th Season...True or Lie....!?!?!?
Winx Club 5 SEASON....I don't wont to lie you guys,but i hear that there difinitely is 5th season and that its final season...:'(...i wont believe its final,but i believe that there maybe is...And i like i think i alredy say...transformation will call....Simphatiex(Simphatix)...And here is new pipPixie picture... Winx 5sezona....ljudi ne zellim da vas llazem,ali cuo sam da ce definitivno biti 5 sezona,ali i da je poslednja...neceu verovati da je poslednja,ali verujem da je ima...i msm da sam vec rekao...transformacije ce se zvati....Simpatix
Here is new PopPixie picture
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Queen Morgana-Roxy's mother...!?!?!
I was actually thought that this is maybe true....but,now i definitely now its true....MOrgana will say that to her(to Roxy)in 25th episode....which is FINAL EPISODE OF 4TH SEASON....omG IM SO SAD...I THINK THAT Nabu WILL ALIVE...BUT,IM NOT Shure about that...but,great news are that Layla/Aisha will back to Winx Club...Ja sam ustvari i mislio ovo jos od davno,ali nisam bio siguran....ali,sm sada difinitivno siguran da je ovo istina...MOragana ce joj to reci(Roksi)u 25 epizodi...koja je POSLEDNJA EPIZODA 4 SEZONE...OMG JAKO SAM TUIZAN...MISLIM DA CE nABU OZIVETI,ALI NISAM SIGURAN...ALI,U STA SAM SIGRURAN I JEDNA OD DOBRIH VESTI ZA KOJU SU SVI PREPOTSTAVLJALI JE TO DA SE LEJLA se vratiti Winx klubu...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Winx Club 2:the Magic is back -News =]]]
The Magic is Back follows Bloom, who has been living happily with her parents in Domino as princess of the realm. Her boyfriend Sky has also just asked for her hand in marriage. Everything is going well, but then Sky's father forbids him from marrying Bloom, revealing a dark secret. With the help of the Winx Club, together with the Specialists, Bloom manages to overcome all adversity, rescuing the Magic Kingdom in the process.
Episode 24:disoster:Nabu dead,Layal goes with Nebula
Episode 24 will always be in my mind.....'cause everything was sooo.....uh....i don't know what to say...Ogron was all time evil(like i was thought)and they waas planing attack on Morgana.....and they did it.....but,Nabu stopped them....but,he lost hes life....Asiha/Layla was so sad and angry....and plus on that Ogron have it power in ring to save NAbu....but he saved flower.....and when Aisha/Layla saw that....she definitely wanted rivange....and Nebula Nebula new it for Layla and i think she asked Layla to join her and Morgana....and what happend...she accept....Bloom and girls wanted to back her....but,i think that they new it how she feel so...but,Layla will definitely back....i mean its Winx on....and Nabu will be alive 100%....I think that last one transformation will now definitely be something with water or with Layla's morfinex....or waterix....or i don't know....and they will back her....Ukratko na srpskom ko ne razume 24 epizoda je billa uzas i uwek cu je pamtiti...zato sto ce Nabu umreti pokusavajuci da spasi Morganu i druge ville.....a,Lejla ce otici sa Nebulom....da pripremaju osvetu Ogronu....zbog kojeg je NAbu umreo...ali,Lejla ce se 100% vratiti...msm daj to je Winx Klub....A,i Nabu ce sigurno oziveti....
Thanks and sorry to Phoebe....from i got this picture,but i musted its great and fantastic....
Friday, November 6, 2009
Continue of last post....!!!!
Winx will trap Aurora....and Nebula challenge bloom....and i think it was if Bloom win they can go...but,if NEbula win they will stay trapped....Bloom fight Nebula....and Morgana told Aurora to free the....but Nebula fight them all again,but Aurora freeze her....and,Winx of course win....Morgana sent them on Earth through portal....and in portal they again meet this creatures...they give them something for new transformation....and i think its something for morfix...or i dont know...Winx je zarobila Aurora....Nebula je izazvla Blum....ako Blum pobedi Aurora ih pusta da idu....ali,ako izgubi ostace zarobljene....Naravno winx su pobedille i posto je bila Morgana tu,Aurora ih je oslobodila,ali je Nebula poludela i pocela sve da ih napada....aurora je zaledila Nebulu i pustila Winx....Morgana ih je kroz portal poslalao na zamlju.....u portalu one su srele ove valjda vile i one su im dale nesto novu transformaciju,ja msm da je nesto u vezi voda.....kao na primer Morfix....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Aurora The Fairy of Ice & Lovix
Winx are taking little break with guys...but,then in park Nebula show...and tell that Queen "warning" them on Aurora....Aurora is new enemy it think....she is fairy of Ice....and she will start to freeze earth,but then Winx comming....and next is in next episode....And like you can see....they will have sweet look in this episode...:)))....Winx uzimaju malli odmor sa momcima,ali tada se pojavljuje Nebula i govori da ih je kraljica "upozorila" na Auroru....Aurora je vila leda....ona njihov novi neprijatelj...I kao sto vidite imacve novi slatki izgled u ovoj epizodi....preslatke su....:))))
OMG....Winx Club Lovix....!!!!
OMg....i was thought there will be something like Heartix like i say...but this is so cute.....
OMg....i mislio sam da ce biti nesto kao Hartix,ali Lovix je takko slatko...:)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sibila-Sibylla:The Fairy of Justice,Ogron...and one
Omg.....This is Sibila-Sibylla....the fairy of justice....Winx was help to...guess Ogron and guys....and they move them to Sibila...Omg...ovo je Sibila...vila pravde...Winx su pomogle....pogodite kome...Ogronu i momcima iz grupe...permestilli su ih do Sibile...dalje jos znm...psoto nzm engleski...sorry guys...And yeah...Ogron was gave her that ring which you can see in the picture....Kao sto vidite Ogron ce dati prsten-krug Bloom valjda da ga cuva...Annndd you see that picture when Riven singing...yeah well Riven and guys will try them in music and gave some time to Winx until they you see...Riven was singing,Brandon was drummer,other guys ewas playing ima jos jedno sooper iznenadjenje....Momci iz crvene fontane ce se oprobati u muzici kao sto mozete videti u slici....ali,nisu samo zbog toga vec i ta bi dali Winxicama vremena da rese misiju to jest da Ogronu i njima pomognu....