Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Amazing job WINXERS! Odličan posao VINKSERI!

"Thank you Winxers for supporting Tsumanga Studios, you guys are amazing, you have downloaded our Winx Club games over 8 Million times!!!" Winx club page said today on their FB page in case you missed it! If you didnt now, there is an amazing, magical app you can download and interract with your friends, on App Store, Google Play Store and Amazon store too! 
also, thez said there is going to be a new update with more avatar clothes, like this one too! Way to go! 

Vinks Klub, igrica je poskidana više od 8. Miliona puta! Vau, to je baš mnogo, i zaista KUL, zar ne? :) Ako niste još znali igircu možete skinuti sada i na vašim Android Telefonima, tabletima, kao i Amazon i Apple uređajima takođe! 

Preorder the new Winx Musical soundtrack! Novi Muzički šou Vinks!

Informations comes from UnaDiNoi!

"Do you want to receive the CD with all the songs from the Winx Musical Show. Write an email to and you will be contacted to receive at your home the Magic Songs of Musical." 

Also, click HERE, to follow Facebook Page de Official from Winx Club Musical Show!
Klikni OVDE, da pratis najnovije vesti, slike i video klipove zvanicne stranice Vinks Klub Muzički šou!