Sunday, May 15, 2011

Play castle in Russia?

 This is like some Playcastle in Russia or something and its found in Krasnodar... Near Sochi and Rostov on Don)) [also thanks for infromations to one that took this pic,and their name is on pic down our logo]. So the problem about this castle or whatever is that there are pictures of Winx in FAN_ART tranformation which IS awesome,but not real(for now i guess).So dont like think its some new tranformation or anything ;]
If you don't remember,this down is Flyrix,which NOTE is just a FAN-ART!But ppl just sometimes make mistakes and that's all.


  1. Some Russian companies should really give credit to the the creator of the fan art not just use it like it's theirs.

  2. Yeah i know,but i guess the designes which is obviously dont know anything about Winx,so they just google Winx and put what comes :/

  3. Yeah maybe they just google it and use it :P

  4. hhhmmm if you were going to do something like this woulnd't you put the time in to make sure that the stuff you were using was genuine, at least if there using it it passess as real in their minds ,i'm not saying it dosent look good but i'd be a bit upset if they were just using my work like that
