Friday, March 9, 2012

Believix ' Group ' Wallpaper / Sllika ' Grupni ' Biliviks

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It's okay Roxy,but to cut - out Tecna.This was 2 much even 4 then. I mean REALLY WINX CLUB STUFF!? This is wrong. Im not some Ultra-Fan of Tecna or Roxy,but T. was part of Winx since Season 1,not 4 like R. 

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Preteralli su ga! Ajde sto su izbacivalli Roksi iz slika,s' obzirom da je ona doslla tek u najnovijoj 4.Sezoni prikazivnoj na Happy kod nas,alli Tehna je sa nama,tj. u Vinksu jos od sezone 1. Tako da 'Winx Stuff' ovo stvarno NIJE u redu. 

xo xo Jovan. ♥

1 comment:

  1. yeah im totally agree wd u they never giv importance 2 her she is only present in few pictures of winx i think she is apart of winx more than layla frm season 1 that is soooo wrong!
