Saturday, September 26, 2009


  I suppose that with this picture we all can now that Roxy is part of second movie of Winx Club....:)))                                                                                                                                                             Pa ja pretpotstavljam da sa ovom slikom svi mi znamo da ce Roksi biti deo sledeceg filma Winx Cluba.....:)))

Friday, September 18, 2009

CHECK THIS OUT:Love Test is Back.....Ljubani test se vratio......

Finally the Winx Club Love Test from old web Winx site......You just need to pick names and put tem in the text box.....and click heart......

Konacno Winx ljubavni sajt se vratio.....samo se odaberu imena i upisite ih u kockice za text......onda pritisnete na srce....i to je to..... or direct......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Le Winx CLub

Uskoro u sada u 2009 godni stize nova igrica za Wii........pogleajte trailer.....enjoy...:))))

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Winx Club The Moive 2:The Magic is Back

 Uskoro na zimu pojavice se i najnoviji film Winxica....posle uspesnog filma Winx Club The Secret Of  The Lost Kingdom.....u prevodu Winx Club i tajna izgubljenog kraljevsva....doalzi novi film Winx  Club 2 Magic is Back.....i pretpotstavlja se da ce u filmu biti u Beliviex sada nema jos  vesti o filmu sem to da ce se u Italiji piojaviti na zimi....

 Finnaly there is second movie of Winx......can you believe.....i tihnk that winx will come to earth maybe not....but somone suppose that they will be in Believix come on winter in Italy.....^_^