Monday, June 25, 2012

Winx Club casopis broj 19. /Winx Club Serbian comics no.19

Pritisni da se uvelica /Click to enlarge 

POKLON/GIFT : Winx šorc- Winx shorts  

Winx Bloom Harmonix/Sirenix HD picture,slika!

Pritisni da se uvelica,click to enlarge.

WINX 100!

WINX CLUB SPECIAJ 100broj casopisa u Italiji! Winx Special 100th issue. 
The price is ,it is expensive .. .

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Winx Club Season 5 Schedule on Rai Due! Vinks Sezona 5 na jesen 2012 u Italiji

TV: RAI-2 focuses on young people and families with fall 2012 schedule.
Milan, June 18 - (Adnkronos) - RAI 2 will look 'young people and families, especially in the daytime, with products that range from animation, the show and talk shows, not to mention entertainment and comedy'. Opening, then, will concern 'the social information and new genres such as factual. The Monday morning 'till Friday', Rai 2 give 'good morning to children with "Cartoon Flakes", the container of the best animation production. Starting at 7 will be proposed, among others, "Lucky Fred", "Mia & Me," "The Ape Maia - 3D", "Winx Club 5" and "Digimon". At 11 topical ', culture and entertainment with the new season of "The Get Your" directed by Michael Look' and conducted by Giancarlo Magalli, Adriana Volpe, Marcello Cirillo and Paul Fox.
Translated Article.
Read the full article right here 
Credits : BelieveInWinx

New Comics in Italy , No.99!


Thanks RaiDues

Group Picture in style of Cowgirl - Grupna slika u stilu Kaubojka

(Click on picture to enlarge/Pritisni na sliku da se poveca)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Promo Poster Season 5 /Novi promo poster 5.sezone

Thanks Believe In Winx!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Winx Sirenix/Harmonix POSTER! :)



Thanks Winx Forever La sfida non finisce mai! :D

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stella Cowgirl wallpaper / Stella Kaubojka slika

Pritisni na sliku da se poveca / Click on picture to enlarge!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Winx Safari Clothes Full pic / Vinks Safari odeca

Thanks Winx Club Eipisodios! 

Click on picture to enlarge! Pritisni na sliku da se uvelica.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Нови Винкс Клуб специјал : Винкс Мода! New Winx Club Serbian special!

Winx Dolls commercial! : D Vinks lutke ,reklama!

Winx Fashion! Winx Moda. ; D

Pritisni na sliku da se poveca! Click on picture to enlarge.

Цена магазина ; Специај Винкс, 690динара,у продавницама од данас!
Поклон : Винкс Блум Биливкс лутка!
One costs: 690RSD in stores,out from today!
Gift for this LAST Winx special is litle WinxBloom Believix doll!