Friday, May 21, 2010

Synopsis Translated on English and Serbian :D

School for fairies Alfea celebrates the inauguration of the new school year when the party is interrupted by Icy, Darcy and Stormy, the perfidious Trix. The Winx without Bloom, are forced to remedy the confusion created by the witches who, having ruined the party, steal a powerful and mysterious object. Meanwhile, Bloom is on Domino, which is experiencing the best moments of his new life as a princess. She finally found her parents and Sky asks her to marry him.!?

But not all gold that glitters, the three Witches are Ancestors in fact come back to haunt Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, Flora and Bloom. Moreover, Erendor, Sky's father, forbids his son to marry the princess of Domino. A dark secret lies in the realm of Eraklyon and now that Sky, the legitimate ruler of the kingdom, as known.

Meanwhile, with the help of Trix, the ancestors are able to find the Tree of Life that holds the magic balance positive and negative. With a powerful spell can break this balance and suck the energy from all Magix good. Bloom and her friends find themselves so powerless and forced to confront again the witches, symbol of all evil. Will our heroes find a way to restore balance in the magical dimension? And what is the secret that keeps Sky and Bloom? Their love survive this new test? Between hilarious gags and moments of real magic, the Winx return to flying.

 But,where is Roxy,there is no Roxy's name anywhere here in synopsis i mean even earth didn't mention,sooo whats wrong,i mean they get believix,another mistery!? ery!?


Skola za vila Alfija slavi otvaranje nove skolske godine,kada je zabava prekinuta od Icy,Darcy i Stormy-Trix,Winx bez Bloom su naterane da poprave zabunu koju su stvorile vestice,koje upropastajui zabavu,kradu misteriozni predmet.U medjuvremenu,Bloom je na Dominu,koja dozivljava najbolje trenutke svog novog zivota kao princeza.Ona je konacno pronasla svoje rodtitelje i Sky je zaprosio.

Ali,ne sija svo zlato,tri vestice su preci koju se se u stvari vratili da "love"-tragaju za Stellom,Laylom,Musom,Florom,Tecnom i Bloom.Stavise,Erendor,Skyev otac,zabranjuje svom sinu da se venca sa pricezom Domina.Mracna rajna lezi u carstvu Erakliona i sada Sky,legitimizuje(nije bas dobro prevodeno) prava carstva,kao sto je i poznato.

U medjuvremenu,sa pomoci Trix,preci su u mogucnosti da pronadju Drvo Zivota(trebalobi da je blizu Pixie sela) koje drzi balans izmedju pozitivne i negativne magije.Sa mocnim cinima mogu da uniste balans i usisaku dobru magiju iz Magixa.Bloom i njeni prijatelji sami su slabi da se suoce ponovo sa vasticama,simbolim sveg zla.Da li ce nasi heroji pronaci put da povrate balans magicne dimenzije?I sta je tajna koja zadrzava Sky i Bloom?Da li ce njihova ljubav preziveti ovaj novi test?Izmedju smesnih ?gags? i trenutaka prave magije,Winx se vracaju u let. 

Ali,gde je Roxy?Tamo nigde nema Roxy-no ime u opisu,mislim cak ni zemlju nisu pomenuli,paa sta nije u redu,kako ce onda da dobiju svoj believix,jos jedna misterija?

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